Paper or plastic? More than just one method of payment
- Mikaela Taylor
- February 22, 2022
- Blog
We all pay in this life. Every day is a payment of sorts. We are paying in one way or another. Imagine the tangible version of every conscious and unconscious decision as a two-beam scale sitting in the same room as you. There would be enough scales to fill your entire house, or maybe even a warehouse.
Now let’s go deeper. In our minds we have levers. Each thought and action has a lever in our mind that tips one of the thousands of scales one way or another. These scales move off of emotion, thoughts, actions, etc. There are only two options for these scales. They are binary scales. Positive and negative.
What if one emotion could trigger the lever to flip all of the scales into the negative? It would probably be fear, insecurity which is caused by fear, or maybe grief, or loss.
Now, what if one emotion could trigger the lever to flip all of the scales into the positive? Love and security. Maybe a sense of accomplishment?
In our lives, a lot of us didn’t get a choice in many situations in which the lever was pulled. The negative lever was pulled for us time and time again, flipping all of the scales into the negative. We would have this inner love or drive that would go to work to flip all of the scales back into the positive, just for moments or hours later, for the lever to be flipped back into the negative.
This would happen over and over, until the scales by default, just stayed in the negative. This is called being broken. It’s the same exact thing that cowboys do to horses in order to be able to ride them easily. It’s also called domestication.
Growing up, our scales are programmed by our environments and a variety of other factors. They are programmed by our parents, teachers, siblings, other students, lessons, experiences, etc.
There is the media/advertising programming that we receive but that is for another blog post. This is about our initial programming
Sometimes they are programmed well, in a positive direction, and sometimes they are not. It is not the fault, either way of the people who programmed our scales, as most of them do not even realize what they are doing.
Our scales are not actually programmed not by them, but by a long line programming of thoughts, laws, rules, and traditions of ancestors, who pass down the programming from generation to generation.
Before we know it, we are adults, in charge of our lever and scales, but we don’t realize that we have control over them. So we go through life, making every conscious and unconscious decision based on where our scales were originally set. This can be great in some aspects, but terrible in others.
We see all of these other people around us, who seem happy with no problems. They seem to all live these wonderful lives and show only the positive aspects of their lives to create this illusion that their lives are perfect. Plastic.
Our lives are far from perfect and we know that our scales are screwed up but can’t seem to figure out a way to get balance, and when we see these other people, the scales get flipped into a negative direction because we can’t seem to figure out why our lives aren’t going as well as their lives are.
So, we create an illusion on to the outside world that our lives are perfect when they are really not. We pay with plastic, which only allows for the scales to be tipped in a negative direction. Smoke and mirrors. We think we have everyone fooled, but the ones paying with paper know something is off.
What we don’t realize, is that most people out there are so caught up in their plastic illusion, afraid of keeping the world from seeing how their scales are, that they don’t even realize that we are living a plastic life also.
For many of us, this fake life that we lead eventually leads to depression or making poor health decisions day in and day out that eventually lead to early death, as our body can no longer keep up with this plastic lifestyle. A lot of us are committing suicide slowly every day and don’t even realize it. Debit cards have hard expiration dates.
What doesn’t have an expiration date? Cash. I’m only using this as an analogy. We all have expiration dates but cash does last a lot longer than debit and credit cards. You can’t bury a suitcase full of debit cards and go back 10 years later and dig them up. I mean, you could but they would be worthless.
When we realize that our levers have all been set for us and that our levers have been set to let others set our levers for us, we can take control and start paying with paper, but it won’t be an easy change. Have you ever heard the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” While it may seem valid, it’s 100% bullshit.
You can teach an old dog new tricks. It’s just harder and takes more effort and consistency. Paying with paper in this blog post is equivalent to being authentic, setting your own scales, and not being afraid to show your true scale settings to the world.
Whenever we take control of our own levers and scales, at first it usually leads to a lot of people who were controlling those levers and scales realizing that they don’t have control over them anymore. A lot of them get angry and try to use tactics to get control of what they perceive as their levers and scales again. You can’t let that happen. These are your levers and scales and you have complete control over them.
When some of them realize that the grip that they had on you has disappeared, they will disappear. The sad part about this is that you might not love all of the programming that they have done, but you still love them as people and it hurts to lose them, which can also have a negative or positive effect on your scales.
You have to love yourself first. In the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, two of the steps have to do with making a fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves. One is the big cleanout and reset and the other is daily for maintenance. Why is this?
It’s so we can hone in on which scales are tipped the wrong way, admit out loud what the problems are to you, God, and another person (not hiding them from the world and becoming authentic), and reset those scales to their optimal position.
There are two ways to change your sub-conscience, which holds your scales. Shock and repetition. 9/11 was a shock. Within minutes, a polarized country became united as one for many years. After this happened, our country fought the longest war in modern history, with most Americans in agreement.
Near-death experiences can also shock the sub-conscience into changing the scales. Shock is quick, but in most cases, doesn’t last forever.
And then there is consistency, which is the long-term game. This is the most challenging as it takes discipline and action. We have to go through each one of these scales and set them ourselves, minute-by-minute, day-by-day, over and over, until they are optimized and it is a lifelong process because whether we like it or not, there will always be outside influences and people trying to get control over our scales again. Old settings will also try to default the scales.
Eating healthy every meal, exercising every day, having gratitude, surrounding yourself with people who aren’t a negative influence on your scales, always doing your best, and always keeping a pulse on your scales will eventually lead to always paying with paper.
We can’t be ourselves until we know who we are. We can find who we are until we search deep.
Fear is a major influence, trying to keep us from showing the world who we truly are, usually generated by the thought of loss, whether it be a relationship or security, and until we face those fears we cannot be authentic and live a paper life.
So again, How do you want to pay? Paper or plastic?
There are two books that I recommend that you read today. I do not get paid for sharing these books. I share them because they helped me search deep and helped me change my life in a positive direction.