Core Value 6: When I do something, I make sure to give it my all

What’s the point of doing something unless you are all in?

Until recently, I had two different sets of this core value. I had the value for others and the value for myself.

Since it was just me, when I committed to doing something for myself it wasn’t nearly as high on the priority list as when I committed to others, and a lot of the time, it didn’t get done.

When it comes to others, I make sure that whoever I promised gets 100% of what I said that I would do.

It may take me a little longer to commit to some things because I want to be able to give everything I commit to my all and give the things I do complete focus.

There’s not much else to say about this core value.

You can try to do something or you can do something. There is a big difference.

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