Core Value 10: I have empathy for other people, and help them whenever possible
Mikaela Taylor
July 6, 2022
This is going to wrap up this 10 part series of my 10 Core Values. I have always had core values, but they were unorganized and never stated until 2019. I’ve always had empathy for others and have enjoyed helping people. While it hasn’t always been fun, the feeling of walking away after raising money for someone or even just …
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Core Value 9: I deserve every good thing that happens to me
Mikaela Taylor
July 5, 2022
This one may be considered more of an affirmation than a value, but it goes with the mindset and it is 100% true not just for me, but for all of us. There were two reasons why I could not get out of my depression. Reason 1. I was beating myself up for decisions that I had made and things …
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Core Value 8: I’m loyal to the people who are loyal to me
Mikaela Taylor
July 3, 2022
This has been a tough one for me to write because It’s not going to come off well, but it’s one of my strongest core values so I’ll just be blunt with it. I’m loyal to the people who are loyal to me. If I know that you have my back, 100% without fail, I will stop at nothing to …
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Core Value 7: When I say I’m going to do something, no matter what it is, I make sure I do what I say
Mikaela Taylor
June 26, 2022
This one is all about quality. I actually adopted this core value in 2007 when I was doing quality training at a factory that I worked at from 2006 until 2011. We had tech levels that we could complete training for that would lead to raises and in order to become Tech Level II, you had to compete quality training, …
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Core Value 6: When I do something, I make sure to give it my all
Mikaela Taylor
June 24, 2022
What’s the point of doing something unless you are all in? Until recently, I had two different sets of this core value. I had the value for others and the value for myself. Since it was just me, when I committed to doing something for myself it wasn’t nearly as high on the priority list as when I committed to …
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Core Value 5: I take care of my physical appearance
Mikaela Taylor
June 23, 2022
This has been the hardest core value for me to continuously follow through on. I’ve always had good hygiene, but that is where it ended for most of my life. Last year at this time, I was weighing about 200 pounds and had a gut that I toted around everywhere and people would jokingly ask if I was pregnant. Every …
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Core Value 4: My family’s well being comes before everything else
Mikaela Taylor
June 22, 2022
1 Comment
This one is self-explanatory for the most part. It’s different for me though than most because of one major thing. . . I’m trans. Texas Public Radio and Texas Standard did a feature story on me this week, written by Jerry Clayton and they did a phenomenal job. I was perusing through the comments on social media just for the …
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Core Value 3: I listen to others’ views, but I don’t let others make decisions for me.
Mikaela Taylor
June 21, 2022
It’s good to be back. I was grinding every day on this blog for a while, then I got the Rota Virus back in March and never got back into the groove of blogging. I was hearing from many people on a daily basis that my blog posts were helping them and then I just stopped and after all, I …
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Core Value 2: Honesty and Integrity are the foundation for everything I do
Mikaela Taylor
March 24, 2022
Yesterday I said that I would be going through each of my core values throughout the next ten days. I learned about core values from Ryan Stewman in 2019 and then again from Tomas Keenan‘s book last year .2. Honesty and Integrity are the foundation for everything I do. When I was a kid, my grandparents would joke about how …
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Core Value 1: I am true to myself
Mikaela Taylor
March 24, 2022
I’m going to go through my core values over the next 10 days. I developed these in 2019 after seeing a post from Ryan Stewman about how important core values are and they are a living document. 1. I am true to myself. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I used to be the version that I was programmed to be …
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